How it started

Tiny Mountain Village started with the idea that if we could make even the smallest steps towards zero waste and less plastic use, together, it would make a huge impact on our environment. Something as simple as choosing naturally made, zero waste soaps can drastically improve the numbers of chemicals and plastics being dumped back into our oceans, landfills and groundwater.

Fast forward 4 years and not only has TMV made zero waste an affordable option for everyone, but I have created products with incredible, natural and luxurious ingredients

I started caring about the products I was using not only because of their impact on my skin and body but because of their impact on the environment. A trip to Hawaii in 2018 enlightened me to the reality that the chemicals in the products I was using, such as my sunscreen at the time, are so damaging they negatively impact our extremely delicate coral reef system. I started to wonder what else I was using that could possibly be harming this incredible planet that I love.

As soon as I got home, the task of finding products that used natural ingredients and also were easy to travel with, started. I wasn't new to making my own cosmetics, I had found ways to create so many of the items I use daily, why not a shampoo and conditioner? After extensive research, two years of trial and error, even trying other products and brands, I finally created the perfect bars for my needs. I realized how great the products I had were and through encouragement from family and friends I started creating them for others.

My hope is that we can collectively take steps towards conscious living and less waste, and that you find brands, like Tiny Mountain Village, you love to use along the way.